Monday 5 December 2016


This is no hype just check it for yourself if this is a good business opportunity or not.

Crowd Rising Cost Analysis:

Stage 1: 
First Donation. 7400

Donations received from 5 ppl: 5 * N7400. = 37000.
Hence Profit earned in stage 1 = N14,800. ( 37000 - 7400 - 14800).

Stage 2:
Expected Donations from 25 persons: 25 * 14800 = 370,000
Hence profit earned in stage 2 = N347,800 ( 370,000 - 22,200).

Stage 3:
Expected Donations from 125 persons: 125 * 22,200 = 2,775,000
Hence profit earned in stage 3 = N2,738,000 ( 2,775,000 - 37,000).

Etc..... to stage 15.

- is this a good business to venture into? YES
-What's the percentage of risk associated to this business? 0%
- Advantages over other Network businesses?
1). No E-Wallet Account.
2). No Payment into a single Pause.
3). One-off Capital of N7400 ($20) (Initial Donation).
4). U make 200% Profit after completing stage 1
5). No referral Issue
4). If the website shuts down today, u will only loose N7400 provided that you are yet to register someone.

My Financial Advice is that you should Participate if you can take the risk of loosing your 1st donation of N7,400 while we get to at least stage 5 together by December to earn N231,250,000 better still, keep the N7400 if u you cannot take the risk.
Thank You.

How It Works.

Once you have registered you will add your bank details and upgrade to grade 1 by making payment of 7400naira(20$) to Ur uplines bank account (that is shown on your back office)

Then You become A full Member with a referral link that will enable you to refer others.

You are expected to introduce ONLY 5 persons Who are to pay #7400 Each to your Account, which will sum up to #37,000.

Then u are expected to take #14,800 from the #37,000 and upgraded to grade 2. Details of who to pay to will indicated in your back office.

Once you upgrade to grade 2, u are qualified to receive #14,800 each from 25 persons, who are your 2nd level downlines, when they are upgrading to stage 2. 
Which will sum up to #370,000. 

From that u are expected to take #22,200 from the money to upgrade to grade 3
Once you upgrade to grade 3, u are qualified to receive #22,200 each from 125 persons , who are your 3rd level downlines, when they are upgrading to stage 3, Which Will Sum up To #2,775,000.
That is how it goes till u get to grade 15. 

Go through the below to understand what you stand to gain by joining this great business opportunity. 

Grade 1
You Donate N7400
5 persons donate N7400 back to you
Total Donation received N37,000.

You donate 14, 800
25 persons Donate N14,800 back to you
Total donation received N370,000

Grade 3
You donate N22, 200
125 persons Donate N22, 200 back to you
Receive Donations of N2,775,000

Grade 4:
You donate 37, 000
625 persons donate 37, 000 back to you
Recieve Donation of N23, 125, 000

Grade 5:
You donate 74, 000
3125 persons donate 74, 000 back to you 
Receive Donation of N231, 250, 000

Grade 6:
You donate 111, 000
15625 persons donate N111, 000 back to you
Recieve Donation of N1, 734, 375, 000.

Grade 7:
You donate 148, 000
78125 persons donate N148, 000 back to you
Receive Donation of N11, 562, 500, 000

Grade 8:
You donate 185, 000
390625 persons donate 185, 000 back to you 
Receive Donation of N72, 265, 625, 000

Grade 9:
You donate 259, 000
1953125 persons donate 259, 000 back to you
Receive Donation of N505,859, 375, 000

Grade 10:
You donate N366, 300
9765625 persons donate N366, 300 back to you
Receive Donation N3, 577,148, 437,500

................Down to GRADE 15

Just by donating and receiving donations...nothing else but just 100% member to member donation platform, payable directly into your local bank account..



  1. What if you are unable to register five people what next?

  2. MMM still remains the best....invest wisely better
